Booking Simply fill in this Form to book your Taxi or Phone at 00357 25 103090</br>Pickup from:I Would like to go:Arrival Date:-Day-01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031-Month-01020304050607080910111220172018Time:-Hrs-0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223-Min-000510152025303540455055Flight Number:One Way:Return:FromDateTimeNumber of PassengersNumber of Packages-Small-12345-Big-12345Name*E-mail*Phone Number*Any further Info (please add anything you feel we need to know) Thank you for your time in completing this form…Please check that your details are correct and click the submit button to e-mail your taxi booking will receive a confirmation mail. *required fields.Submit